plants vs zombies - review
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
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like as zuma game, plants vs zombies was expanded by popcap company game. this game was made by PoPcap to microsoft windows and MAC OS X. this game is very unique because take theme not usual, who will imagine if spooky creature like as zombies must fight with a group of plants. surely that idea will we can be smile.plants vs zombies game told a group of zombies want to attack a house, the zombies is looking for brain to eat. when entered a yard of house, there was a group of plants kept the zombies to don't come in boss's house.
plants vs zombies have many characters very different each other. for examples, in plants consist of sunflower that produce sunray, sniper plant, etc. and in zombies like as worker zombies, rugbi player, etc.
plants vs zombies game consist of 4 group of game, there is :
zombies will do to come in the boss's house to take brain to eat. this adventure has levels, every level has different of difficult each other. if you have done sublevel, the player would get one character of new plant to used for defending the house.
mini game only once be played and direct the end. mission of player just for finish a challange game, a little game is half of adventure game. every you have done one mission of mini game, you'll open mini game other. this game just to collect money to buy some plants or new something in tool store.
training skill of brain to make use of it's resource to finish the game. there are 2 pasts, first playing as plants to defend zombies come to the house. and second to come to the house.
the player will be hope to defend from zombies attack the longer the harder. the ammount of zombies is more and more, and has various characters.
plants vs zombies game is good and compatible to be played in break time to lose stress. but be careful, don't until forget time and addicted.
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