harvest moon back to nature is life simulation game and very passionate to be played
Monday, May 28, 2012
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who didn't know with the game "harvest moon back to nature". game was released at 20th century is very familliar in all the world. now this game is still often played by people.WHAT IS THE HARVEST MOON ?
half of you all, you have known or heard about the game harvest moon, especially "harvest moon back to nature". harvest moon is life simulation game that was released by NATSUME in nintendo system. this game is very different with other game, not about adventure with evil power, fight with monster or surrounding in the world with weapon stock.
harvest moon is game that managing agriculture and animal husbandry. examples hoe the soil, plant and water seed plant, pick the fruit and make sosialization with other people.
harvest moon back to nature series that was released to play station consol in 20th century is the most success and the best in harvest moon series. and now these was a new harvest moon game with design more modern and more hifh technology.
top player in harvest moon back to nature is a boy (call him jack). in was his child, jack spent holiday in grand father's animal husbandry. a little jack always play and in there he got a girl friend, when jack would go to him town,the girl was sad and she asked to jack to promise to back here again later.
a year by year later, finally jack went back to the mineral town (grand father's town). since his grand father died, the field hasn't taken care long time. mayor explain to jack that becoming heir agricultural field, jack must work hard to make soil back fertile again and success like as his grand father in along time ago. if jack can not reach target in 3 years, so jack must go from here.
short story, harvest moon back to nature is life simulation game and very passionate to be played by all people. i hope you can play this game, especially for fans of game. if never play this game, i think you will be sorry.
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