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plants vs zombies - review

Posted by amar Wednesday, May 30, 2012 0 comments
like as zuma game, plants vs zombies was expanded by popcap company game. this game was made by PoPcap to microsoft windows and MAC OS X. this game is very unique because take theme not usual, who will imagine if spooky creature like as zombies must fight with a group of plants. surely that idea will we can be smile. plants vs zombies game told a group of zombies want to attack a house, the zombies is looking for brain to eat. when entered a yard of house, there was a group of plants kept the zombies...

harvest moon back to nature is life simulation game and very passionate to be played

Posted by amar Monday, May 28, 2012 0 comments
who didn't know with the game "harvest moon back to nature". game was released at 20th century is very familliar in all the world. now this game is still often played by people. WHAT IS THE HARVEST MOON ? half of you all, you have known or heard about the game harvest moon, especially "harvest moon back to nature". harvest moon is life simulation game that was released by NATSUME in nintendo system. this game is very different with other game, not about adventure with evil power, fight with monster...

fear 3 is game with theme psychic horror

Posted by amar Friday, May 25, 2012 0 comments
fear 3 is game with FPS ( first person shooter ) basis have as a theme psychic horror. in the game we'll fight to oppose the enemy from armakham. armakham is soldier of science who will make us become experiment to be psychic commander ( character can be command the soldiers ). surely, all along this game we meet something horror but i guess you'll not give up and stop the game because it's very interesting game. CHARACTERS : - pointman   is a character to play fear game, be famous with name...